在App Store和Google Play上推广应用程序
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We've developed a unified four-layer model for app promotion and added our recommendations.

Before we wrote this article we had our apps downloaded over two million times, ran about 50 large promotional campaigns, and made it onto the App Store top-lists in over 24 countries to finally combine all of it into a single workflow.

在撰写本文之前,我们已经下载了超过200万次的应用程序,进行了约50个大型促销活动,并将其列入24个国家/地区的App Store榜首,最终将所有应用程序整合到一个工作流程中。

You won’t find almost any obvious stuff about keywords, nice-looking icons, screenshots, or ad campaigns in this article. We’ve tried to develop a unified model for a product-focused company based on our experience by answering the questions “What? When? Why?” and even “And what then?”

在本文中,您几乎找不到与关键字,美观的图标,屏幕截图或广告系列有关的任何明显内容。 我们尝试通过回答“什么?”的问题,根据我们的经验为以产品为中心的公司开发统一模型。 什么时候? 为什么?” 甚至“然后呢?”

If you’re developing your own app, want to start developing one, or just have a friend who’s a developer or marketing professional at a product-focused company, you’ll find lots of useful information in this article.


应用推广模式 (App Promotion Model)

We’ve developed an app promotion model with multiple layers based on the OSI network model (Open Systems Interconnection model).


  • The Base Layer is the product-development stage. It includes writing the code and developing the design.

    基本层是产品开发阶段。 它包括编写代码和开发设计。
  • The Key Layer starts when the app is already done. It includes posting the app on the App Store and selecting keywords, screenshots, an icon, etc.

    应用程序完成后,密钥层即会启动。 它包括将应用程序发布到App Store上并选择关键字,屏幕截图,图标等。
  • The Public Layer is when the app is already available for download by users or its release date has been revealed. It includes working with journalists.

    公开层是指该应用已可供用户下载或显示其发布日期。 它包括与记者合作。
  • The Advertising Layer is the business itself. It includes calculating profitability.

    广告层就是企业本身。 它包括计算盈利能力。

Each of these layers will be discussed individually below.


基层 (Base Layer)

Many key decisions are made on the Base Layer. But since this article is only about marketing, we won’t be discussing architecture or UX issues here.

在基础层上做出许多关键决定。 但是由于本文仅涉及营销,因此在此我们将不讨论体系结构或UX问题。

Everyone is familiar with the conventional wisdom that you need to start marketing your product well before it enters the market. But not many people actually understand the essence of this statement. Sure, preparing press releases, drawing a landing page, and making promo videos is important. At the same time, when we're developing a product we’re already thinking about promoting the next one and increasing the return on the current one.

每个人都熟悉您需要在产品进入市场之前就开始进行营销的传统常识。 但是,实际上并没有多少人了解此声明的实质。 当然,准备新闻稿,绘制登陆页面以及制作促销视频非常重要。 同时,当我们开发产品时,我们已经在考虑推广下一个产品并增加当前产品的回报。

What is mandatory for all of our products, and what is implemented during the development stage in particular?


  • Push notifications — every product is obliged to ask for permission for sending push notifications, even when its functionality doesn't demand it. To increase conversions, we inserted an intermediary screen in certain products. This allowed us to use push notifications to remind the user about our product or advertise a new one, thus redirecting traffic from one channel into another. This has a number of advantages that we’ll discuss later. We used our own software for push notification, and we’re currently switching over to a very convenient service called .

    推送通知-即使产品的功能不需要,也必须征得其发送推送通知的许可。 为了增加转化,我们在某些产品中插入了一个中间屏幕。 这使我们能够使用推送通知来提醒用户有关我们的产品或广告新产品,从而将流量从一个渠道重定向到另一个渠道。 这具有许多优点,我们将在后面讨论。 我们使用了自己的软件来进行推送通知,目前我们正在切换到名为的非常方便的服务。

  • Splash screens and banners — even if you have an ad-based monetization model, we strongly recommend adding this option to enable your own banners or full-screen ads. They should be controlled from a server. So, you can remotely enable and disable ads, as well as swap art and links in and out of ads.

    启动画面和横幅广告-即使您具有基于广告的获利模型,我们也强烈建议添加此选项以启用您自己的横幅广告或全屏广告。 应该从服务器控制它们。 因此,您可以远程启用和禁用广告,以及在输入和输出广告之间交换图稿和链接。
  • Email subscriptions are still a very effective promotional tool with high conversion rates. And you never know who might have subscribed to your mailouts. One of your subscribers could be a journalist from the Washington Post who goes on to write an article about you. By the way, it was actually a mailout that introduced us to one of our best partners, the website .

    电子邮件订阅仍然是转换率很高的非常有效的促销工具。 而且您永远都不知道谁可能订阅了您的邮件。 您的订阅者之一可能是《华盛顿邮报》的一名记者,他随后继续撰写有关您的文章。 顺便说一句,实际上是一次邮寄,向我们介绍了我们最好的合作伙伴之一,网站 。

Summing up, if you have a product or suite of products, you’ll be able to get a significant amount of free traffic when the next one comes out. And if you’re a multi-brand company, you can launch a series of products that work to support the primary one, but this is a topic for another article.

总结一下,如果您有一个产品或一组产品,那么当下一个产品出现时,您将可以获得大量的免费流量。 而且,如果您是一家多品牌公司,则可以发布一系列可以支持主要产品的产品,但这是另一篇文章的主题。

You’ll also want to pay special attention to analytics on the Base Layer. We can’t get into all of this just in one article, so we’ll give you a few quick recommendations for now. For analytics, we recommend using , [Google Analytics](Google Analytics), and (paid).

您还需要特别注意基础层上的分析。 我们不能仅在一篇文章中介绍所有这些内容,因此,我们现在为您提供一些快速建议。 对于分析,我们建议使用 ,[Google Analytics](Google Analytics)和 (付费)。

关键层 (Key Layer)

This is the layer of iTunes Connect, i.e. it’s the place where you create the face of your product. There are already millions of articles and thousands of presentations out there about how to pick the right icon, draw screenshots that will sell your product, and select keywords. You can find all this stuff very easily, and if you’ve been developing apps for a long time, you're already sick of it.

这是iTunes Connect的层,即它是您创建产品外观的地方。 关于如何选择正确的图标,绘制将出售您的产品的屏幕截图以及选择关键字的信息,已经有数百万篇文章和成千上万的演示文稿。 您可以很容易地找到所有这些东西,如果您已经开发了很长时间的应用程序,那么您已经厌倦了。

Here are a few less-than-obvious tips:


  • The description text that is placed at the top of the screen is easier to read. Keywords can and should be written where applicable one by one separated with commas and without spaces.

    屏幕顶部的描述文字更易于阅读。 可以并且应该在适当的地方用逗号将关键字一一隔开地写上关键字。
  • Keywords that can fit in the title are ranking higher. But not all the titles are indexed in full by the App Store’s search engine — sometimes it’s only the first 100 characters.

    标题中适合的关键字排名更高。 但是,并非所有标题都被App Store的搜索引擎完整索引了-有时只是前100个字符。
  • You can find an old, but a still relevant article about keywords .


On the Key Layer, you also have access to an important way to increase downloads: price drops. If you set the price of your app at, say, $4, then drop it down to zero, and you’ll get more downloads. Across different products, this number can fluctuate between 1,000 and 80,000 free downloads. When you bring the price back to where it used to be, you’ll get a short sales surplus. Needless to say, you can’t exactly call this a business model. But if you thought about what we discussed above during the Base Layer, this will provide you with more than just a few thousand downloads and a couple of bucks. It'll also give you a few thousand push devices and hundreds of new email subscribers. In the future, they could end up bringing you more than just selling your current product.

在“密钥层”上,您还可以访问增加下载量的重要方法:降价。 如果您将应用程序的价格设置为4美元,然后将其降至零,那么您将获得更多下载。 在不同的产品上,这个数字可以在1,000到80,000个免费下载之间波动。 当您将价格恢复到以前的水平时,您将获得少量的销售盈余。 不用说,您不能完全称其为商业模式。 但是,如果您考虑了上面我们在基础层中讨论的内容,那么将为您提供超过数千次的下载和几美元的收益。 它还将为您提供数千个推送设备和数百个新的电子邮件订阅者。 将来,他们最终可能会带给您更多不仅仅是出售当前产品的信息。

公共层 (Public Layer)

Everything on this layer is pretty simple — it’s awesome when you get write-ups in major publications. You get lots of downloads without having to pay for it, and you get a huge ego boost in the bargain.

该层上的所有内容都非常简单-当您在主要出版物中看到文章时,它真棒。 您无需付费即可获得大量下载量,并且讨价还价中获得了巨大的自我提升。

Sure, you should get to know the press beforehand, grant them access to the beta version of your product through TestFlight and other services, ask them for advice, etc. But there’s a major caveat here: don't spend a lot of time on this. If you’ve got a good relationship with the press, great — they’ll write about you if you’ve got an awesome product, just let them know.

当然,您应该事先了解媒体,通过TestFlight和其他服务向他们授予产品Beta版的访问权限,请他们提供建议,等等。但是这里有一个主要警告:不要花很多时间在这个。 如果您与新闻界的关系很好,那就太好了-如果您有很棒的产品,他们会写信给您,请告诉他们。

Journalists read almost all their emails. It’s their job. But articles in major publications shouldn’t be a goal in and of itself, it should be a nice bonus. And if it doesn't happen, no biggie. You can’t build a business based entirely on getting love from the press, but if it ends up happening down the road and it works for you, awesome.

记者几乎阅读了所有电子邮件。 这是他们的工作。 但是主要出版物中的文章本身不应该是目标,它应该是一个不错的奖励。 如果这没有发生,那就没什么大不了的了。 您不能完全基于获得媒体的厚爱来建立业务,但是如果它最终在旅途中发生并且对您有用,那就太好了。

Our app got write-ups in all the major Western blogs and almost all the resources on the Ukrainian and Russian web. It’s remarkable that sales plummeted just one day after the main write-ups came out.

我们的应用程序在所有主要的西方博客以及乌克兰语和俄语网站上的几乎所有资源中都有文章。 值得注意的是,主要记录发布后的一天,销售额就暴跌了。

You can find a list of the main websites for press releases .


广告层 (Advertising Layer)

This is the layer where the actual business begins. On this layer, you’ll be able to use absolutely everything you did on the previous layers, and everything you didn’t do will come back to haunt you — that’s advertising.

这是实际业务开始的层。 在这一层上,您将绝对可以使用在上一层上所做的所有事情,而您没有做过的一切都会再次困扰您-这就是广告。

App development isn’t an online store that sells stuffed animals, so the traditional ROI model is hardly relevant here. The prime cost of the current version of the product is static, and when you increase sales, its portion drops continuously. So, for ad campaigns, we've picked a formula that should be familiar from physics class: the formula for determining energy efficiency. The great thing about app development is that in the real world its efficiency rate can never be greater than one, but on the App Store it can and should be above 100%.

应用程序开发不是销售毛绒动物的在线商店,因此传统的投资回报率模型在这里几乎不相关。 当前版本产品的主要成本是固定的,当您增加销售量时,其所占比例会不断下降。 因此,对于广告系列,我们选择了物理课上应该熟悉的公式:确定能效的公式。 关于应用程序开发的伟大之处在于,在现实世界中,它的效率永远不能超过一个,但在App Store上它可以并且应该超过100%。

Logically speaking, in order to increase an advertising campaign efficiency rate, you need to work on augmenting the average revenue per user and cutting the cost of attracting new users.


So, what about ARPU (average revenue per user)?


ARPU is calculated as the ratio of the revenue over a given period to the total number of users. In other words, if your app made, say, $10,000 in a month and was downloaded by 100,000 people, then ARPU is calculated as 10,000/1000,000 and works out at $0.10. Returning to the previous efficiency formula, in order for your business model to work, you need it to cost less than ten cents to attract each user, which is unlikely, so you need to increase ARPU. How is it possible?

ARPU是根据给定期间的收入与用户总数之比计算的。 换句话说,如果您的应用每月收入10,000美元,并被100,000人下载,则ARPU的计算结果为10,000 / 1000,000,结果为0.10美元。 回到以前的效率公式,为了使您的业务模型正常运行,您需要花费不到10美分的成本吸引每个用户,这不太可能,因此您需要增加ARPU。 这怎么可能?

  • Increasing conversion — on the Base Layer we add analytics and immediately start studying funnels, i.e. the sequence of actions taken by the user before they start paying or performing another desired action. Then we do this individually for each product. If we find that 40% of users see the purchasing screen, but only 3% of them make a purchase, we change our formulations, images, etc. — there’s no magic bullet here, unfortunately.

    增加转化-在基础层上,我们添加分析并立即开始研究渠道,即用户在开始付款或执行其他所需操作之前所采取的操作顺序。 然后,我们针对每种产品单独执行此操作。 如果我们发现40%的用户看到了购买屏幕,但是只有3%的用户进行了购买,则我们会更改配方,图像等-不幸的是,这里没有神奇的子弹。
  • Safely increasing the price — logically speaking, if 100 people pay us a dollar, we earn $100, but if we increase the price to two dollars, fewer people will pay us. For instance, 70 people still will but they will pay us $140 in total, so we're now making $40 more than we were before. But if we double the price, only 30 users will keep paying, and we’ll only make $60. The last price is therefore ineffective.

    安全地提高价格-从逻辑上讲,如果100个人付给我们1美元,我们就可以赚取100美元,但是如果我们将价格提高到2美元,则付给我们的人就更少了。 例如,仍有70个人愿意支付,但他们总共要向我们支付140美元,因此我们现在的收入比以前多了40美元。 但是,如果我们将价格提高一倍,则只有30个用户会继续付款,而我们只能赚60美元。 因此,最后的价格无效。
  • Changing the business model — it may be that users aren’t willing to pay for what you’re selling, but they would be willing to pay for what you’re giving them for free. This is where analytics comes into play. It'll help you see exactly what your users want.

    改变商业模式-可能是用户不愿意为您出售的商品付费,但他们愿意为您免费提供的商品付费。 这就是分析发挥作用的地方。 它可以帮助您准确了解用户的需求。
  • Changing formulations — this point also relates to analyzing funnels, but we’re discussing it separately because it may be necessary to add a psychological twist. For example, in our app Image Transfer there only used to be two points on the purchasing screen: “Buy the full version for $2.99” and “Use the product with restrictions.” The conversion rate was very low. After we added “Additional features”, such as “Remove the photo limit for $1.99,” “Remove the video limit for $1.99,” and “Remove ALL limits for $2.99,” removing all the limits for $2.99 seemed like a much better deal. However, there are always a few users who remove the video limit, then remove the photo limit separately, so they end up paying us $4 instead of $3. There have even been two users who then went ahead and bought the paid version of the product.

    改变配方-这一点也与分析渠道有关,但是我们将单独讨论它,因为可能有必要增加心理上的扭曲。 例如,在我们的应用程序Image Transfer中,购买屏幕上以前只有两点:“以2.99美元的价格购买完整版”和“有限制地使用产品”。 转化率非常低。 在我们添加了“其他功能”后,例如“以1.99美元的价格删除照片限制”,“以1.99美元的价格删除视频限制”和“以2.99美元的价格删除所有限制”,以2.99美元的价格删除所有限制似乎是更好的选择。 但是,总会有一些用户删除视频限制,然后分别删除照片限制,因此最终他们要向我们支付4美元而不是3美元。 甚至有两个用户随后购买了该产品的付费版本。
  • Localization — English may be the international language, but not everyone speaks it, and this can lead to low conversion rates. If you see that you have a lot of downloads in, say, France, and at the same time you have few conversion, it might be worth thinking about localizing your app into French.

    本地化-英语可能是国际语言,但并不是所有人都说英语,这可能导致转换率降低。 如果您发现自己在法国有很多下载,而同时转换却很少,那么可能值得考虑将应用本地化为法语。

Here’s another example of changing formulations: in our email subscription form we replaced the word “subscribe” with “register,” and the number of email addresses tripled, from 3% to 9%.


When all is said and done, in this case, you need to work exclusively with conversions, since reducing the number of users, is impossible and needless — they've already downloaded your product.


降低吸引用户的成本 (Reducing the cost of attracting users)

It isn't enough to just pick the advertising network with the cheapest users since different traffic sources have different conversion rates. So a user might cost you 10 cents on one network, but the average revenue from this group is 5 cents, thus efficiency is 50%. Whereas on another network a user costs a dollar, but they bring in an average $1.20 in revenue, so the efficiency is 120%.

仅选择最便宜的用户广告网络是不够的,因为不同的流量来源具有不同的转化率。 因此,一个用户可能在一个网络上花费10美分,但该组的平均收入为5美分,因此效率为50%。 在另一个网络上,用户花费1美元,但平均带来1.20美元的收入,因此效率为120%。

How to bring about a reduction in the cost of attracting users?


  • Create your own promotional channels. Do what you should have done on the Base Layer: push notifications, advertising your new product in your previous products, email mailouts — all of this reduces the cost of user acquisition, since this traffic can be considered essentially free, or at least already paid for. You can also convert users with new products who didn’t pay you in the previous one. You can also create satellites, small products whose primary purpose is to generate traffic.

    创建自己的促销渠道。 在基础层上执行您应该做的事情:推送通知,在以前的产品中宣传您的新产品,通过电子邮件发送邮件-所有这些都降低了用户获取的成本,因为这种流量基本上可以免费使用,或者至少已经付款对于。 您还可以使用新产品转换用户,而这些新产品在上一个产品中没有向您付款。 您还可以制造人造卫星,小型产品,其主要目的是产生流量。
  • Increase your advertising budget. Increasing your advertising budget really will increase your number of downloads, and increasing your number of downloads will bring you higher in the search results by keywords and even get you into the overall top-lists. By making it into top-lists and increasing your position in the search results, you increase your number of organic, i.e. free downloads, thus reducing the cost. Let’s say you pay an advertising network $10,000 for 10,000 users, i.e. the cost per user is $1, but, thanks to the caused organic traffic, you end up with a total of 15,000 downloads. The cost per user is actually $0.60.

    增加广告预算。 增加广告预算确实会增加下载量,而增加下载量将使您在搜索结果中的关键词排名更高,甚至使您进入整体排名榜。 通过将其排在首位并增加您在搜索结果中的位置,您可以增加自然搜索(即免费下载)的数量,从而降低成本。 假设您为一个广告网络向10,000个用户支付了10,000美元,即每位用户的费用为1美元,但是由于造成了自然流量,您最终总共获得了15,000次下载。 每位用户的费用实际上为0.60美元。
  • Choose an optimal attraction channel. This is simple enough — just reject attraction channels with low efficiency. This is a lot like ROI.

    选择一个最佳的吸引渠道。 这很简单-仅以低效率拒绝吸引渠道。 这很像ROI。
  • Partner with other developers. If your colleagues have also taken care of their Base Layer, they’ll agree to provide advertising in their products. Sometimes this can significantly reduce attraction costs.

    与其他开发人员合作。 如果您的同事也照顾了他们的基本层,他们将同意在其产品中提供广告。 有时,这可以大大降低吸引力。
  • Gradually increase your advertising budget. This is also known as the “crescendo” approach. Since the App Store uses your weighted average number of downloads during a given period, the most effective advertising campaigns aim for incremental increases: 3K downloads on the first day, then 5K on the next, the 10K on the third day, and so on, rather than trying to get 15K all in one day. This gives you a chance to make into the top-lists and save money by getting organic traffic.

    逐渐增加您的广告预算。 这也称为“渐强”方法。 由于App Store在指定时期内使用您的加权平均下载次数,因此,最有效的广告系列旨在实现增量增长:第一天的下载量为3K,第二天的下载量为5K,第三天的下载量为10K,依此类推,而不是试图在一天内获得15K。 这使您有机会进入热门列表并通过获得自然流量来节省金钱。
  • Journalists. If you still end up seeing eye to eye with the press, this is a great way to reduce the cost of users, since journalists provide you with free leads.

    记者。 如果您仍然与媒体保持一致,这是降低用户成本的好方法,因为记者为您提供免费线索。

The model described here obviously isn’t a magic bullet. An awful lot depends on the product itself, the time of its release, its relevance, the vacuum it fills, etc., but it’s absolutely essential to know all of this if you want to build a business on your product.

这里描述的模型显然不是魔术子弹。 很大程度上取决于产品本身,产品发布的时间,产品的相关性,填充的真空度等,但是,如果您想在产品上建立业务,那么了解这一切绝对至关重要。

It’s important to realize that for premium products, i.e. paid products, the advertising model in its purest form doesn’t work. It will always cost more to attract users then they're going to pay for a paid product. At the same time, you always have the option to recoup your expenses thanks to organic downloads. You can even use the freemium model with paid products. Right now we consider the most effective model to be the subscription-based approach, i.e. users pay you for the time they spend using your product. This business model allows you to afford a much higher user attraction cost because the revenue from your users will be much higher in the long run.

重要的是要意识到,对于高级产品(即付费产品),最纯粹形式的广告模型不起作用。 吸引用户的成本总会更高,然后他们要为付费产品付费。 同时,借助自然下载,您始终可以选择收回费用。 您甚至可以将免费增值模式与付费产品一起使用。 目前,我们认为最有效的模型是基于订阅的方法,即用户向您支付使用产品所花费的时间。 这种业务模型使您能够承受更高的用户吸引成本,因为从长远来看,来自用户的收入将更高。

Even if the advertising model doesn’t work for your products, the previous layers of promotion still will. We use both the premium and freemium models with almost all of our products. For example, our is a paid app without any limits, and is the exact same app, but free, albeit with in-app purchases. Right now the revenue from both models is more or less the same.

即使广告模式不适用于您的产品,促销的前几层仍然适用。 我们几乎所有产品都使用了高级和免费增值模式。 例如,我们的是一款无限制的付费应用,而是完全相同的应用,但免费,尽管有应用内购买。 目前,两种模式的收入大致相同。

关于翻译 (About the translator)

is a global provider of , , videos, and into 70+ languages. We offer translations by native-speaking linguists, linguistic testing, cloud-based workflow, continuous localization, project management 24/7, and work with any format of string resources. We also make advertising and educational and images, teasers, explainers, and trailers for Google Play and the App Store.

是为70多种语言的 , ,视频和提供的全球提供商。 我们提供由母语为母语的语言学家,语言测试,基于云的工作流,连续本地化,24/7项目管理以及任何格式的字符串资源提供的翻译。 我们还为Google Play和App Store制作广告和教育和图像,预告片,解释器和预告片。



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